MSIDC Membership


  1. Ordinary membership shall be open to any medical practitioner or a university graduate currently working or involved in the aforementioned fields.
    Ordinary members are eligible to vote, hold elective office and serve on committees.
  2. Associate membership shall be open to any person who does not hold a university degree but is actively involved in the fields of infectious diseases and chemotherapy.
    Associate member are not eligible to vote or hold elective office.
  3. Corporate membership shall be open to any commercial or private organization interested in supporting the objectives of the society.
    Corporate members shall not be eligible to vote or hold elective office.
  4. Life membership shall be open to all full and associate members on payment of the subscription for life membership.
  5. Membership will be unlimited.
  6. Application for membership shall be made on prescribed forms and submitted to the secretary who shall submit it to the executive committee for approval. The executive committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
  7. Every applicant whose application has been approved shall upon payment of the prescribed entrance fee and the first annual subscription be admitted as a member of the society.

Entrance fees and subscription:

1. The entrance fee and subscription payable shall be as follows:

Entrance fee:
a. Ordinary member : RM 50.00
b. Associate member : RM 30.00
c. Corporate : RM 100.00

Annual subscription:
a. Ordinary member : RM 50.00
b. Associate member : RM 30.00
c. Corporate : RM 500.00

Subscription for life membership:
a. Ordinary member RM 500.00
b. Associate member : RM 300.00

2. The annual subscription shall be payable in advance and shall be due on the 1st January in each year  and payable by the 31st of March of the year.

3. Any member who allows his arrears to exceed two consecutive annual subscriptions shall receive a written notification signed by or on behalf the secretary and shall be denied the privileges of membership until settles his account.

4. Any member who allows his arrears to exceed three years subscription shall automatically cease to be a member of the society, and the Executive Committee may direct legal action be taken against him provided that they are satisfied that he has received due notice of his debts.

5. The executive committee shall have the power to fix a re-entrance fee for any person who has allowed his membership to lapse through arrears.

Cessation of membership

1. Any member who wishes to resign from the society shall given two weeks notice in writing to the secretary and shall pay up all dues.

2. Any member who is in arrears for three successive years shall cease to be a member.

Membership Form

Regular Members


        Download the form


       Corporate Members


                                                                                 Download the form


Consensus Guidelines on Treatment of Multidrug Resistant Gram Negatives

Adult Immunisation


Member Societies


Interest Groups

Antimicrobial Stewardship Interest Group


Malaysian Influenza Working Group


Malaysian Mycology Interest Group

Zoonosis Interest Group





























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