Young Investigator Awards

Institut Mérieux – MSIDC Young Investigator Awards

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public health issue worldwide. The  Institut Mérieux and its entities have been committed for many years in the fight against AMR and improvement of antibiotic stewardship. In order to provide an incentive for promising young investigators working in the field of AMR, Institut Mérieux allocates several awards worldwide to researchers or clinicians at the beginning of their carrier in recognition of  a major achievement having significant impact on the handling of AMR. To maximize the visibility of such an award, and ensure proper selection of the candidates, Institut Mérieux relies on the expertise of well-established associations working in the field of AMR in each selected countries. 

Selection criteria

• Investigators/applicants are current members of Malaysian Society of Infectious diseases & Chemotherapy (MSIDC).

•  Serving in a hospital or in a relevant research institution on a full time basis as infectious disease   clinician, clinical or molecular microbiologist or epidemiologist.

•  With less than 10 years of clinical practice experience or less than 10 years of working           experience in microbiology after their postgraduate qualification.

•   Involved and made significant contribution in AMR research and/or patient management with a national impact.

• Indicators of impact could be either publication(s) in prominent international journals and / or     Implementation of guidelines / protocols having led to significant improvements in the following areas.

  • Antimicrobial resistance control.
  • Development of new tools / approach in controlling antimicrobial resistance.
  • Adoption of an innovative approach in patient management for controlling antimicrobial resistance.
  • Any actions having led to improved control / reduction of hospital acquired infection rate.

Selection process and Conditions.

• Applications for the award should reach MSIDC on or before 20th January 2020.

• For the award, please submit the completed application form in the provided format along with a recommendation letter from the host institution where the nominee is working at the time of application and one 2x2 ID picture of the nominee. One set of all the documents should be send through email to

• Members of scientific council of MSIDC will assess the applications and will choose two to three  suitable applications, which will be forwarded to the scientific board of Institut Mérieux with their  recommendations for the selection of the laureate. The Institut Mérieux keeps the possibility not to  allocate any award if none of the proposal is meeting minimum qualification for the award.

Institut Mérieux will notify MSIDC the name of the laureate for the year 2020. MSIDC will organize an award ceremony during the 19th International Congress on Infectious Disease in Kuala Lumpur. 

• In order to receive the award money, which is not exceeding €10,000 (Euro Ten thousand), the institution hosting the laureate should engage an agreement with Institut Mérieux. The award money will be transferred only to the hosting institution of the laureate, and the institution will hold responsibility for proper utilization of the fund for research by the laureate.

Application form  - download

The laureate of the MSIDC – Institut Merieux Award for 2017

Dr. Wong Won Fen (University Malaya)

The laureate of the MSIDC – Institut Merieux Award for 2018

Dr. Cindy Teh Shuan Ju  (University Malaya)

The laureate of the MSIDC – Institut Merieux Award for 2019

Dr. Helmi Bin Sulaiman (University Malaya)

The laureate of the MSIDC – Institut Merieux Award for 2020

Dr. Puah Suet Moi (University Malaya)



Consensus Guidelines on Treatment of Multidrug Resistant Gram Negatives

Adult Immunisation


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Antimicrobial Stewardship Interest Group


Malaysian Influenza Working Group


Malaysian Mycology Interest Group

Zoonosis Interest Group





























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